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Home Equity Living Plan (H.E.L.P.) for Seniors


Solutions Partnering.Org has developed a 21st Century Human Services Delivery System which will provide discretionary cash, Home Maintenance Management and Personal Care Services Management for today's Seniors ... and tomorrow's Baby Boomers ... funded in part from the equity in the Senior's home.

In 2007, according to the Reverse Mortgage Market Index (RMMI) of the National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association (NRMLA), Americans, age 62 or older, hold an estimated $4.3 TRILLION of Home Equity with an average value of $230,000 per home. Projections come to as much as $37 TRILLION, by 2030, assuming historical home appreciation and future demographic shifts.

This equity will be converted to discretionary cash, some of which can be used to purchase goods and services needed to improve the senior citizen's quality of life .... and in many instances .... could be the difference between allowing the Senior to comfortably "Age in Place", rather than be warehoused in a Nursing Home, paid for by Taxpayer's Medicaid Dollars.

A 2005 Study, conducted by The National Council On The Aging, titled "Use Your Home to Stay at Home - Expanding the Use of Reverse Mortgages for Long-Term Care" concluded that "Medicaid savings from Reverse Mortgages could reach almost $4.9 BILLION annually in 2010 and $6 BILLION in 2020".

The AARP has reported that 82 percent of all senior citizens prefer to remain in their homes as long as possible. Familiar surroundings, including family, friends, church, medical services etc, offer comfort and a sense of security to the elderly.

A variety of factors, however, often impedes their ability to remain in their home. Chief among these impediments are a lack of cash flow, inability to maintain the property, and the need for supplementary personal care services.

People are living longer and having fewer children to care for them in their later years, and those children have been migrating in pursuit of better opportunities.

The Home Equity Living Plan was developed to fill the needs of today's ... and tomorrow's ... seniors by providing an "extended family" thru a unique Collaborative Concept. The Initiative utilizes a comprehensive strategy funded and implemented through a partnership of Public, Private and Not-for-Profit Agencies.

For more info contact Project Coordinator Norman Bakos at nbakos@SolutionsPartnering.Org or phone/fax 716-892-1629.


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